Marthe questions

It’s my turn! Tash was in the hot seat last time answering your questions and more, so now it’s my turn to share a little bit more about me with you. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then click THE LINK and go read Tash’s interview too! 

It’s funny that we filled these out separately, but so many of the answers match up. Cute right?! Of course please feel free to ask more questions via the comments section at the bottom. Enjoy!

Easy Questions

Marthe Questions
Wie niet waagt wie niet wint (Dutch saying meaning: no guts, no glory)

Where do you live?

Amsterdam East. Oost is the best! Find out why … HERE

What do you do?

I’m an Oncology nurse working in the Haematology and Oncology department at OLVG Oost.

Longest relationship?

7 years 

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I know Tash said the same thing, but I would love to be able to fly. I would fly directly to Tash and all over the world without using a plane. Isn’t that the dream? 

Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?

Definitely outdoors! I have a love/hate relationship with big cities. I love Amsterdam but sometimes I need to escape. This is when I go to Amersfoort, where I can run in the forest and go horse riding in the fields. When I go travelling I’d rather go back to nature, especially the ocean! 

What are you kind of obsessed with these days?

Breaking the Distance! It’s such an amazing way to stay connected to Tash. We receive incredible responses from people all over the world. It’s so nice to connect with people who are in the same situation. It inspires me and keeps me motivated. 

Where have you travelled?

Marthe Wave Tattoo
Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction

I have been to a lot of places. But I always come back to Asia, nothing beats it. Although I would love to go back to New Zealand, as the nature there is unbelievably beautiful. 

What would be your dream job?

To be able to travel the world whilst working and to contribute in different ways to the places we visit. 

What was the last show you binge-watched?

I’m currently watching SENSE 8, it’s such a good show! It’s very diverse, multi-cultural and LGBT friendly. There is a lesbian couple who I adore lol.

What odd talent do you have?

This is a funny question! I’m not a great cook, but I make the best guacamole! (So does Tash! – Added by Tash)

Medium Questions

What are some things that everyone should try at least once?

Marthe travel
You can make the world as big as you want – Marthe Koster

I think everyone should go travelling for some time. It gives you a different perspective on life. It makes you realise that we are so fortunate to live the lives we are given. We can get so caught up in daily life, that we sometimes forget what’s really important. It will challenge you in different ways, but always for the better. It made me more flexible, relaxed, open and social. Besides that it’s just an amazing experience.

What is your ideal day?

Waking up next to Tash, doing an outdoor activity and finishing the day with an amazing meal!

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? 

Intuitive, caring, perfectionist, optimistic and very curious. 

What skill or ability have you always wanted to learn?

Singing, Tash is helping me with that 🙂 

What’s Your Worst Habit?

Being late. 

What is the silliest fear you have?

It’s really weird, I’m not afraid of spiders or any other creepy crawly’s, but I fear herons. I find them super scary and they are everywhere! 

The Hard Ones

What one thing would you be most disappointed if you never got to experience it?

Getting married to Tash and having children. 

What’s your biggest fear?

Sunset breaking the distance
Love can make you do things you never thought was possible – Phil Collins

Losing people close to me. As an Oncology nurse I see so many people dying, sometimes it can be overwhelming and I can be afraid. 

What person has given you the best advice in life?

Definitely my mum. She is the most powerful woman I know. I think she is amazing. She gives me the best advice because she knows me the best, even though I sometimes don’t want to hear it lol. 

What are you most proud of?

Graduation from high school at university level. In primary and high school some teachers didn’t think I was smart enough. In high school, I worked my ass off, smashed it and proved them wrong! 

What are you most thankful for?

Tash, my family and friends. That everyone is healthy, because that’s the most important thing in life. 

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

They think I’m a shy and introverted girl. We have a saying in Dutch, “De kat uit de boom kijken”. It means, ‘See which way the wind blows’. In a big group, I can be held back and not very apparent. But when I feel comfortable I’m definitely not introverted.